We help in selection of Large Language Models (LLMs) best suited for the enterprise based on data analysis and training needs. Our selection process involves selecting the right large language model, understand the unique use case that needs to be solved. Data privacy is at the core of AI models, and we assist with deploying in-house LLMs vs public domain instances. We have worked extensively with Google Gemini, OpenAI ChatGPT4, Claude3, LLama3, HuggingFace models with correct prompt engineering techniques. The assessment criteria is based on
The primary purpose for using an LLM
The business use-case to be solved such as prompt and text generation, prediction, translation, etc.
Application scalability for enterprise-level
Demarcating computational resource constraints
We assist with the development of Transformer architecture and take these points for considerations
Performance needed from the LLM
Training data sets
Knowledge and pre-trained data usage
Complexity and latency for response times
NLP: GPT-4, GPT-3.5, MS Copilot, Claude 3, Meta Llama3, Gemini, Mistral
Audio: MeloTTS, Deepgram, OpenAI Whisper, Deepgram
GenAI: OpenAI DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion
Prompt Engineering design for LLMs
Prompt engineering is the process of designing and crafting effective prompts to guide Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate the responses you want. We assist with techniques for
Data Iteration and clarity of output
Direct Instructions with prompt to generate answers
Learning and training prompts
Q&A, complex and specific prompts
VR/AR and 3D - Industrial Safety & Training
​We design and deliver digital transformation and digital twin solutions for Industrial Applications for key areas such Procedures, Safety, and Training areas for learning, check rules, and adhere to compliance.
Our technology platform comprises of Industrial Grade Augmented and Virtual Reality based AR/VR solutions, which are extendable and add any number of new content to enhance the type of Safety training and plan from a library of VR materials which can be used for training and repetitive use.
We design and develop 3D Story Boards, which are personalized with custom look and feel. The content creation areas include Industrial & Nuclear Radiation safety, Fire and Chemical Handling and Safety, to Machinery usage such as heavy equipment and Fork lifts.
We help to create design and digital content across several areas for Industrials Digital Transformations. Some areas include Effects of Chemicals, Body Exposure, Types of Chemicals, Storage and Handling, Disposal and Precautions, Emergency Procedures, Plant Design, Fire Safety, Radiation and Radio Active safety.
Sample Output with Unity3D engines on HTC VIVE, Meta Oculus​​​​​​